The ability to read involves a whole complex of skills, and to master each of them requires effort. It is not enough to remember all the letters and learn how to add words from them, and then sentences. We will have to train the memory, so as not to forget the beginning of the phrase, and to the second page – the content of the first.
Reading gives a flicker of imagination. Words printed on paper are transformed into images, and each reader imagines the heroes of the book in his own way. This book favorably differs from the film or the cartoon in which the characters are given already ready – such as the filmmaker wanted to present them. And then get rid of this imposed image is unlikely to work: the frames are set, the wings of fantasy are cut, she does not need to fly anywhere else …
Reading helps to increase vocabulary and develop speech. And every new word that has become understandable, expands the boundaries of the world, enriches it with new meanings.
Reading, the child learns the logic of the development of events, learns to understand the causal relationship. His thinking becomes more orderly and orderly, a solid foundation for further education is being formed. But even this is not important.
Reading gives the basis for the formation of morality. The child experiences what is happening with the characters of the book, tries on himself, learns to distinguish between good and bad, good and evil, chooses which side he would like to be. Sometimes difficult experiences encourage the child to re-read the same books many times, until his own point of view crystallizes, and this work of the soul can not be replaced by anything.
How to teach children to read: advice to parents
The best way of education is by example. Reading parents who value books will be more likely to teach children to read than those who do not read themselves.
But one must be very careful: no coercion is permissible. Reading should be for the kid not a punishment or a boring duty, but a reward, an excellent, interesting pastime.
Everything starts with reading aloud. Children are very fond of when parents or elders read them. Psychologists are convinced that regular reading aloud to children is simply necessary for the harmonious development of the individual. Joint reading gives a sense of family well-being, security, it strengthens family ties and serves as an excellent method of education. All the reading can be immediately discussed, explained to the children incomprehensible, draw parallels with real life, help to draw the right conclusions.
Reading aloud helps to push the child to independent reading – if the parent stops at the most interesting place under a plausible pretext. When children have an interest in something from the reading, adults can tell which book you can learn more about the phenomenon of interest and the period of history.
At the same time, children should be respected and respectful of books.
It is very important to choose the right books in accordance with the age and interests of the child. An indicator of the right choice will be an enthusiastic hearing or self-reading.
It is useful to ask the child to read aloud to you. It develops speech skills, diction, expressiveness of speech.
When is it time to teach a baby to read?
There is no definite answer to this question. It used to be that the early development of a child is useful in all respects, now many people think otherwise. Advocates of early development cite as an argument the fact that it is the first 5-6 years of a child’s life that are most productive in terms of assimilating information that it is at this age that the ability to learn is best formed and the foundation for further education is laid.
Opponents of early development methods are convinced: too early intellectual load is harmful. The child does not yet have a sufficiently developed brain, is physiologically incapable of absorbing large amounts of information, understanding cause-effect relationships, generalizing and analyzing. And therefore, even having learned to read, does it mechanically, without mastering the information read. The habit of mechanical reading in the future will serve a poor service, as the perception of information will be difficult. There is also the opinion that early reading disrupts the proper development of the brain, which can lead in later life to problems of a very different nature: from a tendency to allergies, poor handwriting and inability to bring to the end begun before the difficulties in creating sustainable social ties.
How to choose right books for your child
2-4 years old. At this age, kids more like rhymes, counts and other short, rhythmic texts. They gladly remember what they heard, and they themselves readily tell. It is important to monitor the purity of speech and delicately correct speech errors.
4-6 years old. Some children at this age are already starting to read themselves, others prefer to listen. The best books – with bright pictures, large, easily readable letters. Preferred short, dynamic works, necessarily with a good end.
6-8 years old. Preferences of children of primary school age – fascinating books with a large number of characters, with a nonlinear plot. With pleasure, books that give information about the world around you are read.
9-13 years old. There is an increasing interest in history, in literature in the genre of fantasy, in works touching upon the topics of relations between people – about friendship, about love, about honor and betrayal. It is very important to pay attention to what the teenager reads, to talk on topics that worry him, to suggest which books can be read.
Do not try to ensure that the child as early as possible learned the letters and learned to put them into words. It’s just as harmful as trying to teach a newborn to walk or write poetry. When a little person is ready – he will learn to read without effort. If he wants to. This is the main task of parents – to interest children in reading so that they would like and loved to read.
Picture Credit: Pezibear