With hurricane season upon us, and intense tornadoes touching down at increasing rates, EQ stands ready to support your community. EQ is positioned to assist communities as they manage recovery and prepare to rebuild from these devastating weather events. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is calling for a very active 2013 hurricane season forecasting eleven named hurricanes, six of which being a major hurricane of Category 3 or higher. Now’s the time for you to prepare for a weather emergency.
EQ’s facilities in Oklahoma, Florida and Alabama are ideally located to service the recovery needs of communities in areas often affected by extreme weather. The EQ Florida location offers a wide range of capabilities and is one of only a handful of permitted Part B facilities in the state, while EQ Oklahoma is a RCRA permitted TSDF facility that consists of treatment operations for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastewaters and solids. Through these facilities, EQ offers industry leading full service environmental solutions including collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of your contaminated materials. Please contact our emergency response team for more information at EQ Emergency Response.
If you’ve got environmental problems to solve, we’ve got solutions. EQ is the answer!