How Sudden Change In The Weather Affect Your Health

How Sudden Change In The Weather Affect Your Health

Why do we respond to the weather change?

Man is a part of nature. A significant influence on our well-being is also due to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, a sharp decrease (or increase) in air temperature, as well as the movement of air masses. Someone in a windy weather is being harassed by migraines, someone is jumping from a sharp warming, and someone loses consciousness in the transport before the coming storm. Why is this happening? According to the doctors, all these reactions are caused by violations in the work of the vessels, more precisely in the functioning of the so-called baroreceptors.

For what answer baroreceptors?

Baroreceptors are sensitive nerve endings of blood vessels that catch the slightest changes in blood pressure and reflexively regulate its level. That is, the task of baroreceptors is to adapt the pressure inside the body to the changing moods of atmospheric pressure. So, when the atmospheric pressure rises to 755 mmHg, the body increases its internal pressure, and when it drops to 748 mm it drops. In healthy people and young children, these processes go naturally and unnoticed, but in people of more mature age, whose body is worn out, tired with bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, taking medications or burdened by poor heredity, baroreceptors fail to cope with their task. And then, in response to fluctuations in the atmospheric column, we get a sharp jump in internal pressure, which results in headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, chills, depressive conditions. Especially strongly deteriorates the state of health of meteosensitive people in those days when atmospheric pressure rises or falls very sharply.

What to do?

Dependence on the vagaries of nature doctors dubbed meteosensitivity. And although no one has completely managed to get rid of it, it’s quite possible to correct your state of health during natural disasters.

  • If your body reacts to a sudden increase in atmospheric pressure by a hypotonic type (blood pressure drops, your head turns dizziness, you experience a decline in strength, drowsiness, apathy, inability to concentrate), ensure an influx of fresh air and try to sleep (sleep in this case is the best medicine).
  • Try in such days less to burden yourself both physically and emotionally. Increase blood pressure will help a portion of black coffee, sweet black tea with 1 tbsp. cognac or a glass of red wine.
  • People with low blood pressure will help cheer up teas with mint and honey, as well as adaptogens: tinctures of ginseng, magnolia vine, eleutherococcus.
  • If in a windy weather you are overcome by migraines – drink an anesthetic drug, wrap your feet and lie down to rest. Drink try as little as possible, since excess fluid raises blood pressure and intensifies pain.
  • If the weather changes your body according to the hypertonic type (blood pressure rises, the heart rate increases, headaches are possible), try to exclude from the diet dishes containing a large amount of table salt (salting, herring). Remember, they retain fluid in the body, and that increases the volume of circulating blood, which contributes to an even greater increase in pressure.
  • Hypertension in days of bad weather should abandon the caffeinated drinks: coffee, strong tea, energotonnikov. Instead, drink herbal teas.
  • On adverse days it is good to include in your diet baked apples, raisins, dried apricots, and bananas. Rich in potassium, they not only improve the state of the autonomic nervous system, but also reduce the effect of adrenaline, which is actively excreted by the adrenal glands.

Picture Credit: xusenru


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